Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Bend Over, it's Tahun Meliwat Malaysia 2008

Hey, it's Tahun Meliwat Malaysia again! In conjunction of this decade-ly festive celebration, let's adhere to its motto "Bend Over" by....well, bending over!

Here are some simple and fun ways to do it:
a) Bend Over in the middle of the road suddenly to re-tie your shoelaces.

b) Bend Over when you talk to your classmates.

c) Bend Over at every payment counters of the shops that you visit.

d) Bend Over when filling up your gas tank.

e) Stick it up to your team-mates whenever got chance lah.

f) Encourage your partner to indulge in "Bend-Over-and-smack-it-hard" acts.

g) Finally keep a kera-jantan that will happily Bend Over whenever you want it.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

"How eagles live to 70 years old?"

During my previous work travel to a client's site, i met up with their group of company's Managing Director. He was a charming man, full of smiles .... n look wise.

Anyway, to cut story short, he asked me n my colleague, "Do you know how the eagles get to live to 70 years old?". Getting no answer from us, he continued. "Well, an eagle will have lived for around 40 years old when its beaks and claws are so crooked and blunt that it cannot catch its prey anymore. So what does it do? It goes back to its hiding, and start plucking its feathers till bald and naked. The crooked nails will be pulled out from its claws, and finally breaks its own beak by banging into the wall (of caves). That eagle will then wait till all the broken, plucked, and pulled out parts are fully grown before setting out, and thus it will live for another 30 years."

We smiled, and "ooh"ed as if we know what message he's trying to relay, but cut short when he asked, "Do you know the moral of the story?". This time we "hehe"ed and "donno"ed.

"Ahh...the moral is, transformation is painful! You see, when we want to change, take a step forward, transform ourself, its a very painful experience. In order for the eagle to survive another 30 years, it has to go though that painful experience! And it will be the same for us human."

Well, that's as far as he got to. Nevertheless i think the message is clear, and i suspect he's also deliberately telling us this on the fact that we are both Sarawakian (get what i mean? =D).